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Gratis fragt i Danmark ved køb over 999 DKK
Udlevering i GLS-pakkeshops - også lørdage. - Levering 42 DKK under 999 DKK - gratis over 999 DKK.
Normal leveringstid er én dag hvis bestilt før kl 13.
This original Bailey paper straw hat is of the highest quality and features the best design you can find in a straw hat cowboy style. (When you ask Jakes)
Stiff and steam-bar so you can fold it just the way you want.
Intet repræsenterer grænseånden som en høj kvalitet cowboyhat. Fields 4X er en klassisk stil cowboyhat, der har en 4 1/2" murkrone og et læderhatbånd med en metal Bailey sporepin. Den 4" skygge og komfort svettebåndet vil holde dig kølig og komfortabel med solen væk fra dit ansigt.
The Fields 4X has a long oval Brick crown.
55 = 6 3/4
56 = 7
58 = 7 1/4
60 = 7 1/2
61 = 7 5/8
I 1922 grundlagde George S. Bailey, en mand fra Midtvesten med en forkærlighed for hatte, Bailey Hat Company i Los Angeles, Californien. Bailey så det voksende behov for et hattefirma, der ikke kun henvendte sig til markedet på Vestkysten, men også til markedet for western-tøj. George Bailey så en stor og endnu ikke udnyttet kundebase i det sydlige Californien og dedikerede sig til at tilbyde disse kunder hatte af fin kvalitet og fantastisk stil.
The American west was booming, and Los Angeles was leading the charge. A population explosion was underway and due to the proliferation of cattle ranches, farms, mines, oil fields and, of course, movies, southern California’s economy was growing at a breakneck pace. Los Angeles-based film studios accounted for nearly one-fifth of California’s annual manufacturing business in the early ‘20s and it was there that George Bailey would start his business. He catered directly to the needs of the ‘New West’ outfitting southern California ranchers, businessmen, oil tycoons, and the newest segment of the population, movie stars, with ‘the best hat possible’.
Today, Bailey design explores the juxtaposition of Hollywood elegance and Western toughness and is influenced by both directional culture and fashion that serves as a unique framework for original design. The collection consists of timeless products that customers buy again and again as well as cultural statement pieces that are unique and packed with style.
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Los Angeles, CA.
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Los Angeles, CA.
★★★★★JoachimHere you will find clothes that you cannot buy everywhere. It is clear to see from Jacob that he is passionate about what he does and he has an assortment that is handpicked by himself. Do yourself a favor, pay jakesapparel a visit the next time you're in Aarhus. Atmosphere, selection and service like no other.e.
From Trustpilot
★★★★★Jon Rolsted SpliidFrom Trustpilot
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Los Angeles, CA.