The showroom 2022
Then we are settled in the showroom/warehouse/hangout/photo studio.
It is simply becoming Aarhus' best area down here behind the freight line. We have chosen the location as our showroom is more simply where we are. In other words, if we were going to be somewhere, we might as well be somewhere that was super cool! The windows swing to display selected goods and films.
The opening hours are as follows: Come-in-when-you-can-see-we-are-here. And we are typically from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday and randomly selected weekends ;)
You can ALWAYS call or write and we will come down as soon as possible!
All the clothes (and everything else) are here. And of course you can buy directly in the shop (or even easier on your own mobile phone)
Webshop with showroom is now a reality.
Come by Kjeld Tolstrups Gade 104-106 Aarhus C.